Finally! A Nutrition Company With Real Substance...
Dr. Mike Roussell, the founder and product formulator for Substance Nutrition, is known for transforming complex nutritional concepts into practical nutritional habits that his clients can use to ensure permanent weight loss and long lasting health. Dr. Mike holds a degree in biochemistry from Hobart College and a doctorate in nutrition from Pennsylvania State University.
Dr. Mike started Substance Nutrition because he was tired of seeing product after product enter the marketplace that lacked substance. He wanted to create products for himself, his family, friends, and millions of people that read, listen, and engage with him online - that would bring real benefits to their lives. Not just provide tubs full of the latest buzzwords.
Every one of the products that Dr. Mike formulates meets a real need of himself, his family, and/or his clients and readers. It is formulated using the best available science, ingredients, and manufacturing practices.